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China Legal Science (《中国法学(英文版)》)征稿征订公告

时间:2015-02-25   来源:中国法学  责任编辑:admin

  1.China Legal Science (《中国法学(英文版)》)杂志(以下简称“杂志”),是由中共中央政法委员会主管,中国法学会主办,中国法学杂志社出版的英文法学学术期刊。杂志新编国内统一连续出版物号为CN10—1091/D,国际连续出版物刊号为ISSN 2095-4867。杂志的办刊宗旨为:坚持马克思主义法学基本观点和正确的政治方向,反映中国特色社会主义法学理论和实践成果,展示我国法治建设成就,开展国际学术交流,提升中国特色社会主义法学理论体系的国际影响力。杂志将于2013年3月出版发行创刊号, 双月刊,16开,国内外公开发行。

  2. 为了体现办刊理念,形成本刊风格与特色,杂志特设置“高端论坛”、“学术专论”、“法学评论”、“案例研究”、“书评”及“法学资讯”等栏目。欢迎作者针对栏目进行投稿。作者来稿需要符合以下投稿要求:

  (1) 来稿必须为英文或中文稿件,作者要在来稿正文前加列“内容提要”与“关键词”。内容提要为文章主要观点之提炼,字数一般控制在200字(英语单词,下同)以内;关键词一般为3至6个;

  (2) 学术专论来稿字数应为15000-20000字;法学评论来稿字数应为8000-10000字;案例研究及书评字数应为5000-8000字;

  (3) 来稿作者请登陆中国法学杂志社网站“中国法学期刊网”网上投稿系统(http://zgfx.chinajournal.net.cn/EditorA/index.aspx?t=1)进行网上投稿。书面形式投稿请寄至本刊总编室,地址为:中国法学会中国法学杂志社,西城区兵马司胡同63号,100034,不要直接寄给责任编辑。作者姓名、学位、职称(职务)、单位及详细联系方式等个人资料请另附一页标明,不要书写于正文中,以便本刊进行专家匿名审稿;

  (4) 本刊提倡一稿专投、反对一文多用,凡已在公开出版物、互联网上发表的文章,一律不予以采用。凡于两个月内未收到本刊的“稿件录用通知”者,请自行处理。在收到本刊的采用通知前,如文章已在其他公开出版物或互联网上发表的,请作者务必及时通知本刊;

  (5) 杂志注释体例请参照美国《蓝皮书:统一注释体系》第19版(The Bluebook: A Uniform Citation System);

  3. 杂志每年出版6期。每期国内定价65元,海外定价15美元。本社负责杂志的国内发行,中国国际图书贸易总公司负责杂志的国外发行。杂志国外代号:BM1335,开户银行:中国工商银行北京新街口支行,账号:0200002909088103334。



Announcement on SolicitingContributions and Subscriptionsof

  China Legal Science(English Edition)

  1. China Law Science (English Edition) (hereinafter referred to as “the journal”).is a peer-reviewed journal that is supervised by the Central Politics and Law Commission of the CPC, sponsored by China Law Society, and published by the China Legal Science Journals Press. The journal aims to insist on the basic ideas and political direction of Marxist jurisprudence, reflect the socialist legal theories and practical achievements with Chinese characteristics, demonstrate legal achievements of China, carry out international academic exchange, and promote the international influence of China’s socialist legal theory system. This journal will be found and published in March 2013, its national unified publication number is CN10-1091/D, and international unified publication numberis ISSN 2095-4867. The journal will be published in English bimonthly and distributed internationally.

  2. The Journal will cover all areas of the legal science. Theoretical and empirical papers will be considered. The journal has an international editorial and advisory board, representing all areas of legal science in China. Features of the journal include (1) law review articles, (2) Critical notes and commentaries, (3) Case studies and book reviews, and (4) Legal Information. The China Legal Science requests that contributors comply with the following standards:

  (1) The journal accepts manuscript in both Chinese and English language. Every manuscript with the exception of short technical notes and letters to the editor must be accompanied by an abstract of 200 words and keywords (3 to 6), stating in short concise manner,the objectives of the study, the techniques used and what was accomplished.

  (2) Length Limitations: The Review strongly prefers articles under 20,000 words in length, comments under 10000 words, and case studies under 8000words. The Journal will not publish articles exceeding 25,000 words, except in extraordinary circumstances.

  (3) Electronic Submission: We strongly encourage contributors to submit their manuscripts through our electronic submission system (http://zgfx.chinajournal.net.cn/EditorA/index.aspx?t=1), preferably in Microsoft Word format. Articles may be submitted to the China Legal Science exclusively or through the standard submission protocol. Alternatively, you may still submit a hard copy if you wish; please address all manuscripts to: Articles Office, China Legal Science Journals Press, China Law Society, 63Bingmasi lane, Xicheng District, Beijing 100034. Please note that we will not accept articles submitted via email.

  (4) Anonymous Review: To facilitate our anonymous review process, please confine your name, affiliation, biographical information, and acknowledgments to a separate cover page. Please include the manuscript’s title on the first text page.

  (5) Citation Format: Please use footnotes rather than endnotes. Footnotes should conform to the 19th edition of The Bluebook.

  We invite you to submit your manuscript(s) for publication. Our objective is to inform authors of the decision on their manuscript(s) within eight weeks of submission. Following acceptance, a paper will normally be published in the next issue.

  3. The China Legal Science is published bimonthly a year. A single issue is RMB 65.00/USD 15.00. The China Legal Science Journals Press is responsible for the domestic release, and the China International Book Trading Corporation is responsible for the international release. The journal’s International Code is BM1335. The Journal’s bank of deposit is China Industrial and Commercial Bank Municipal Branch, Xinjiekou Sub-branch, and bank account is 0200002909088103334. We welcome your subscriptions.





